Principal and staff profiles

Welcome from our Principal

Mr Neil Seaman, School Principal

I am proud of our school community with respectful, reciprocal relationships that achieve equity and excellence.

At Karcultaby Area School, our teachers know every student and provide flexible and adaptive learning environments.

Inclusive practices address individual needs, interest and capabilities, supporting students to thrive and prosper now and into the future. We foster agency – students can show initiative, embrace challenges, and persevere, developing the skills of life long learners.

Meet our leadership staff

Meet our leadership staff

Michelle Carey

Secondary Teaching and Learning and Pathways Coordinator

This role involves leading effective training and development and collaboratively supporting staff to implement effective pedagogies to improve student outcomes. It also involves coordinating student pathways and transitions related to SACE.

Michelle Carey, Secondary Teaching and Learning and Pathways Coordinator

This role involves leading effective training and development and collaboratively supporting staff to implement effective pedagogies to improve student outcomes. It also involves coordinating student pathways and transitions related to SACE.

Simon Petty

Primary Teaching and Learning Leader

This role involves leading the strategic directions of the school and working collaboratively with staff (R-6) to ensure all students are exposed to high quality, evidence informed learning experiences.

Simon Petty , Primary Teaching and Learning Leader

This role involves leading the strategic directions of the school and working collaboratively with staff (R-6) to ensure all students are exposed to high quality, evidence informed learning experiences.

Teaching staff

Preschool teacher

Jane Forrest


Justine Hebberman

Year 1/2 teacher

Kimberly Waters

Year 3/4 teacher

Simon Petty

Year 5/6 teacher

Tegan Hull

Year 5/6 teacher

Sharyn Feltus


Larina Hebberman

Ag/Career Ed/Integrated Learning/Science

Karly Oswald

Arts/Home Economics/Health/HASS

Wendy O'Brien

English/Work Place Practices

Michelle Carey

Design and Technology

Neil Seaman

Mathematics/Career Ed

Judi Antoniou


Michael Dunbar


Kathryn Heddle

Support staff

Finance SSO

Jenni Horgan


Stacey Brace


Alicia Davis


Pearl Dessart


Leah DuBois


Kylee Lynch


Zali Schutz


Coby Smart


Rani Tomney


Bronte O'Brien


Tammie Mullen

Pastoral Care Worker

Heidi Coleman